Plugin manager - the bane of my existence

Is anyone else finding that updating plugins (9 times out of 10) screws up your plugin manager, and it takes over an hour to fix? Including the scanner hanging for wayyyyyyyyy too long?

Softube update blacklisted all the Waves plugins. Waves blacklisted its self. Arturia is fine. SSL blacklisted its mother. UA is the perfect child.

I use Cubase every day and have never found that updating makes the plugin manager rescan, nor hang. It never activates nor run for me, unless I ask it to.
So not sure what’s going on.
Other than that, I would advise to remove plugins, I am trying to, too much GAS and too much choice, trying to strip back to essentials to focus better.

I run several larger plugin ecosystems including Arturia, Eventide, Izotope, Melda Production, Native Instruments, Steinberg, Waves. And numerous plugins by smaller developers.

I don’t recall significant problems with the Cubase plugin manager.

Sometimes individual plugins have caused grief - especially those that want to phone home or locally activate during the startup plugin scanning.

But that strikes me as a problem with those plugins, rather than the Cubase Plugin Manager.

Never had a problem with the Plugin Manager…

See this thread for a bit more background: Can Cubase Pro 14 be used without network? - #2 by PaulWalmsley

Waves plugins do often cause problems during scanning because they hang as they try to connect to the network. Some users have had problems also with UA plugins.

You might want to take a look at this free VST manager. I’ve found it quite useful and the developers are open to feedback too.

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