Plugin settings not saved

On a recent Cubase 13 Pro project, I’m using Waves Instrument ELEMENT2 ( Build R 251752). Windows 10 Pro, v10.0.19045. Cubase Pro v13.0.41 Build 256.

I load a preset (Premium Bass) and customize the settings, and on project save and re-load, the settings are back to Premium Bass preset. Even when I save a User Preset for my changes, a re-load of the project takes me back to Premium Bass preset rather than my user preset.

I haven’t noticed a problem in other plugins.

Would appreciate help with this.


Can you reproduce the issue with any other plug-in or just this one, please?

If this is the only plug-in, then the issue is most likely in the plug-in side.

Agreed, it’s probably on the plugin side. I haven’t reproduced the problem with another instrument yet, even another in the Waves family.
