Poly pressure data recorded but not shown in its window

Hello to the community, I hope you are doing well. My cubase pro version is 12.0.60, I recently got a Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S88 mk3, when I record a track, it shows some MIDI data being recorded on the event itself. This is shown in screenshot number 1,
When I open the event, it shows that there is MIDI info for Sustain, Velocity and Poly Pressure,

however when I click on Poly Pressure, no data is shown and it is empty.

Am I missing something here? Could you please help me? How can I edit the “recorded” Poly Pressure data?

Have you checked to see the specific note numbers that poly pressure occurs?

From the 3rd shot, it’s certain that there’s NO poly pressure data for the note C-2, but what about other ones?

I’m not sure how to do that, could you please elaborate?

You have to select an event (note) in the editor window in order to see the Poly Pressure values. In your screenshot the C-2 note (I think this is the default) is selected. Say you have played an A4. Find it, select it and if there are polyPressure messages they should appear in the dedicated frame.

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Thank you so much! That actually worked. I was able to see the poly pressure data after clicking on individual notes. Many thanks

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Out of curiosity, how’s the feel of the mk3? Same as the mk2?