I’ve built my own headless Mini PC setup to drive an 88 key Launchkey with Cubase and Noire Piano.
I’m mostly fine with it (don’t intend to use it for music production, just for playing), and the headless (without desktop) nature of it was desired by myself to avoid sitting in front of a distracting screen and due to space concerns (I cannot really conveniently place a laptop or a monitor where the keyboard is at).
Anyway, I’m fine mapping important parameters like reverb or sustain (which I finally managed to using input transformer) to midi knobs. Current values are displayed on the Launchkey’s display, which is convenient enough.
The only issue with this setup I have now, is that I cannot easily control the split point of two different VSTs on the keyboard. It’s possible to filter out certain ranges (like C0 to C4) using fixed / hardcoded values in the input transformer, but apparently it’s not possible to bind these values to MIDI Controller knobs?
Like, can’t I just bind knobs to set the upper and lower boundary of the range I want to filter out?
Bonus points if I can bind the same knob to filter out FROM the upper end of a certain VST tracks range and TO the lower end of another VST tracks range, effectively controlling the split point with a single knob.