Possibility to drag and drop selected events even when zoomed out

I have multiple events that I’d like to move to the right, but I can’t with drag and drop because… well, you can see my problem in the following GIF screenshot…
zoomed out
The workaround is to use the info line or zoom in a bit, but sometimes it’s just easier to use drag and drop. Can you please address this problem? Thanks and, again, happy new year! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Happy New Year!
What kind of events do you want to drag and drop? Specific automation events? Can you give a few more details regarding the circumstances, please?

Thanks for replying.
I’m talking about audio events, not automation events. I just hate the fact that I can’t disable all handles…
I managed to disable only the volume handle:

Other ones can’t be completely disabled (no “Never” menu item). The point of my feature request is to have maybe a modifier key forcing the pointer not to change.


Happy New Year!

Drag and Drop woes… I use a quick Events to Part just for the move, and then dissolve again.

But yes, it would be nice if the selection tool wouldn’t be so easily tricked by all these handles. Maybe have it respond just on the edges of the whole selection?

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