I just activated upgrade from Cubase 12 to Cubase 13 which I bought in spring offer, it was listed together with Premium partner bundle. Is there a list of that bundle where I can see what is included in it, because I can’t see it in my Activation Manager, or not sure about it. Thanks.
Hi Beri,
welcome to the forum.
The partner products were only available for a limited time and Cubase 13 had to be activated before the end of the promotion to get them. If you’ve activated it just now, you’re out of luck, unfortunately.
But that wasn’t stated anywhere, when I got that promotion. It was stated just the date until you had to buy the upgrade to get the bundle as well. I think this isn’t fair.
Yes, sorry. I can’t remember the details that were given in the email and on the website. Here’s an old thread about the promotion where Matthias summarized the details:
《Dive into music production with Cubase 13 and save 30% until April 28, 2024. As a bonus you get access to premium partner products at no cost!》
I copied this from the e-mail I’ve received. It should be stated that this date is limit for the activation, which isn’t, just the date to purchase it. As I said, I think it is very unfair, and I’m really disapointed.