Printable Keyboard Shortcuts Chart

Does Dorico have a printable keyboard shortcuts chart that would make the transition from Sibelius to Dorico easier?

Design philosophy and so on are important of course but ultimately the nitty gritty of creating a score is write mode and would it not be immensely useful to just have a wall chart showing where the main editing function shortcuts are?

This would need to customisable I suppose although the basics of Write Mode would be a good place to start.

Just saying: :slight_smile:

There are many resources that you could benefit from. Download them and print them :wink:

Go to the Key Commands in Preferences, and click the “Print Summary” button. :wink:

There is a diagram of the key commands in the Help pages, which magically shows any customizations that you’ve made!

As far as Write mode: the basics are the “Shift - key” commands, which you can see listed in the Write menu and are mostly mnemonic – T for Tempo, M for Meter, L for Lyrics, B for Bar, etc.

The meta-keys used in combination with the arrow keys are also consistent across the app’s modes and functions: so the arrow keys change what is selected; Alt-arrows moves the selected item; etc.

I’d recommend the Note Entry Tutorial found here:

Thank you Rob although the page seems to be incredibly large.

Thank you Marc merci. Do you know of a specific chart such as this?

Stephen, start with the “FAQs/new users start here” thread pinned at the very top of this forum. It lists an array of documents you might find helpful.

You need a bigger wall to put it on :wink:

You can scale it down, of course. But some of the other multi-page PDF documents might be more useful than trying to get everything onto one chart.

I know a couple people that have benefited from this: Dorico - Shortcut Stickers

Honestly though, the easiest way is to just write them down as you learn them. They’ll be second nature in no time.

I wrote them all out by hand (I remember data better when I physically write it out). One sheet for popovers, one for everything else.

Hi Stephen.
I tried to find the equivalent to my french document, but did not find it…

As it happens we have just had a Quick Reference Card containing all of the important Dorico shortcuts produced, and we’ll be sending bundles of them to schools who order multi-user licenses. Attached is a screen-resolution version that you can print out.

The physical card is printed on nice stiff B4 card so that it can stand up next to your display. If you can make it to an event where we will be showing Dorico, we will try to have a supply of these on hand and would be happy to give one to you.
Dorico Quick Reference (161 KB)


Does Steinberg have a “Swag Site” where they could sell these for whatever they need to cover expenses?

No, unfortunately not. We do have some Cubase merch for sale on the web store, but not all of these kinds of bits and pieces. Once I have some of these myself, if you send me a self-addressed envelope with appropriate postage I’ll be happy to send you one or two!

I think we’ve got a postbox quite nearby to the office too.

Very nice document indeed.

I’ll have to figure how to calculate and send international postage. :frowning:

Aah Would you look at that! It is just what the cat’s pyjamas ordered! :slight_smile:
