Pro Tools ARA2 UnMix Modules should work on all clips in a track


For dialogue work, I separate people onto tracks and typically apply noise reduction to the entire track, then tweak each clip as I go along. When SL11 onto an audio track in Pro Tools, even if I select all the clips and then hit UnMix Dialogue, it only seems to do one clip. Am I missing something or is this the way SL is implemented?

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what is this module you refer to?

in my SL11 Modules menu I have:
Unmix Crowd Noise…
Unmix Drums…

I do not see an “Unmix Dialog” module…is that just in Pro Tools? or?..

Modules can only be applied to one layer at a time indeed.
Did you meant Unmix Noisy Speech, or Unmix Multiple Voices ? There’s no Unmix Dialogue.

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Sorry Robin. UnMix Noisy Speech. I’d like to be able to apply it across the clips in the track, adjust the noise level globally, then on individual clips.

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Right now it seems like every clip is a distinct separate dialogue layer.

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Robin, I’m looking forward to the Mix Dialog module :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

lol me too.

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