Pro tools running video // slaving to Cubase

Hi all!

So I have Cubase playing the sequence and on a separate machine I have pro tools slaving to Cubase! Play and stop works great but scrubing and forward and reverse don’t seem to work at all… A bit of settings help would be greatly appreciated!

Anyone had any answers? Suggestions?


I have always had to hit (t) to scrub. However, in order to scrub and do playback. This allows you to send the change in where your scrubber is at to the slaved computer. However, your playback will not work correctly in this mode, so you just have to hit (t) again in order to go back to normal Cubase editing. I am not able to look at it at the moment to tell you exactly what it is, but I am using default keybinds aside from some personal macros and visibility things.

There may be a way to do this without having to hit T to get to the part in the video you want, but i have not found it.