Hi there,
i’ve got C13 running on my mac ( OS X.15 and works OK), and i upgraded to C14 yesterday.
So update 13 to 14.
Now when i open license activation manager, cubase 14 is not there : C13 is there and activated (which i assume is normal !), but no cubase 14.
And when i go to “my steinberg”, try to activate through the download code…Cubase 14 is there, and no more cubase 13.
So simply :
no cubase 14 on the manager (on my computer)
no more cubase 13 on the website…
support ticket is opened, but if someone has already seen that…
Thanks for any idea !!
and happy new year by the way.
Hi Martin,
so…I’ve got only one “my steinberg” as i said, and i’ve got several softwares from steinberg, i always use the same process :
first i pay for it (…)
second i go to the download assistant and install everything using the download access code
then i run the app that leads me to activation manager where i can usually see the software and activate.
This time as i explained i just see cubase 13 on the activation manager and i just see cubase 14 on the website (and this is the same account) :
here are two screen shots :
You can see on the SAM that all the buttons are grey. Seems something’s going wrong with this manager : i can’t try to de-activate cubase 13…doesn’t work, and when i try anything the manager won’t start again (ahve to re-start computer).
Mac OS X 10.15.7 and i installed the latest versions of SAM ( and the download assistant.
I’m not sure about something : can i delete some preferences and try a new re-install fo SAM
Actually it’s not a preference file but the “activation manager” folder in application support/steinberg.
Really not sure about that : it seems SAM is automatically connecting to my account, and there is something wrong there.
Another problem is cubase 13 launch windows which shows no more “news” ans a “connecting to server” message instead…
You are “lucky” that you are already logged in so you are able to use your activated licenses but if you would trash your Activation Manager preferences you’d probably won’t be able to sign in again.
Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope the thread above helps you.
bingo. Problem fixed here!!
C14 showed in the list and i could activate it normally.
I followed exactly your procedure, and although i don’t use safari, i used it this time just for this process.
Just one difference with the former posts about SAM not opening: it seems mine was “stuck”, but still opened and kinf of “working” at the same time (and yes i was lucky i could still use C13 and Dorico 5, which is crucial for my activities)
I hope this example can help someone else having the same symptoms on her/his SAM.