Problem with Download Assistant

Anyone else getting this message when trying to update?


I’ve restarted the computer but I’m still getting the message.


If it helps, here is the whole message.

I got this on both windows 11 and mac sequoia:

I manually installed on the mac and will now try on windows.

Can you try to install the newest version of the Steinberg Download Assistant from the Steinberg website? We had some problems with specific older versions of SDA that could be causing this.

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Alas, I get the same message if I go to Steinberg to download the Download Assistant.

My system wanted to update the installer first via the website. (First, quit all audio apps.)

Both my Mac OS (15.2) and Safari (15.6.1) are a little long in the tooth on this computer. Could that be the problem?

::: Bill

Yep, I think that’s it. I downloaded the Download Assistant on my laptop, which is more up to date, and it looks like it will run fine. I guess it’s time for this Luddite to update.

::: Bill

I’ve got the latest Download Assistant installed here (1.36.4), running MacOS Sequoia 15.2, and when I sign in I get this error message:

I was able to upgrade to Dorico Pro 5.1.80 using a direct download link and everything is working fine. Apparently there’s still something askew with the Download Assistant.

Update: I get this error on my M2 Max Mac Studio, but not on my M1 Pro MacBook Pro. They’re both running the same OS version and the same Safari version, so I’m a bit perplexed why the Mac Studio (which is newer than the MacBook Pro) would have a problem when the Macbook Pro doesn’t.