Problem with elicenser for a friend


A friend of mine bought an upgrade from 3,5 to 5. The activation is not working. Who should he contact. Difficult to get somewhere easy for him. He is using a PC.

Thanks for the help.


What exactly did he do? Just saying it is not working is a bit small for a starting point.

He could come here to the forum and get help or otherwise contact Steinberg support.

But for real help you need to tell definitely more details on what he has done and what was the outcome.

Please consider that Dorico 5 does not work with eLicenser, it must be activated with Steinberg Licensing. eLicenser becomes EOL (end-of-life) shortly anyway.

Please read

And you can also use the search function in the forum here. See, at the transition from Dorico 3.5 to 4 lots of people were struggling with similar or same problem as your friend. It’s very likely that the solution is already somewhere here.

Many thanks to you all!

I know I did not put a lot of information about the specific problem, but really it went down to tell my friend to contact Dorico in Toronto, even if we are in Quebec, to get new licenses numbers.

Everything is now corrected for him. What gave me the cue was the actual problem some had with the transition from version 3,5 to 5 because of the take over by Steinberg licensing.

Again, thank you all for your input.

Have a good day,


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