Hello - I’m a running into an issue in Dorico Pro 5 in which I cannot enter notes using my MIDI keyboard on a Drum Set (Basic) or Drum Set (Full) staff. I can still hear the drum sounds when I play the MIDI Keyboard and I have the track selected, so I know that the MIDI keyboard is hooked up. I am successfully able to enter notes into other staves, including other percussion instruments such as “kick drum”. I can copy notes onto the drum staff, but can’t enter them.
The reason that I discovered the issue is that I was trying to drag loops from Groove Agent SE into the MIDI window for the drum track, but nothing happens when I do that. Weirdly, I can drag the drum loops into the MIDI window for the piano part, so it seems like this bug is related to the note entry bug for just the drum tracks.
Welcome to the forum, Julie. Yes, I suspect that Marc is on the right lines. To check that you have the right percussion map assigned to your percussion kit, go to Play mode and select the drum set instrument in the track overview. Then in the left-hand panel in Play mode, open the Track Inspector panel, and click the little cog button in the Routing section to open the Endpoint Setup dialog. In the Endpoint Setup dialog, ensure that the channel where the drum set is loaded has the Yamaha XG or General MIDI percussion map chosen as appropriate.
Thanks Marc and Daniel! That was right on. The issue appears to be that when I changed the instrument in Play mode > VST and MIDI > VST Instruments from “HALion Sonic” to “Groove Agent SE”, it doesn’t apply a percussion map by default.
Hope it’s okay to response to an old post, but my issue seems relevant to this thread.
I’m simply trying to use traditional general midi mapping for drum set note entry (bass drum = C2, snare =D2, etc). I’m using the built-in drum kit instrument (Groove Agent SE). I’ve followed the steps on this thread to the set the percussion mapping to General MIDI as described above, but the routing doesn’t change at all. What am I missing/doing wrong here? Thanks.
Hello everybody, I am new to dorico, coming from finale, and maybe have a silly question that sounds similar to the one in this topic. I got the following problem: the drummer in one of my ensembles for school is set up, my sounds are coming from Halion 7, drums on channel 10, a gm drumset is loaded, the percussion map in dorico is set to gm, and i can only play some of the sounds, and not from the keys on the keyboard that i am used to when using a gm set (bassdrum on c2, hihats on f#2, g#2 and a#2, and so on), but only from the keys that respond to the lines they would be written in the actual lines if there was a standard violin key (bd on f 4(?), snare c 5 etc. Where am I thinking wrong, missing a checkbox or anything else? THX
If I change the midi channel to anything else but 10, I can use my midi keyboard as I am used to it, but cannot record anything like I can on any other players track. Sigh