Problem with parallel processing (clips in montage) still not completely solved with 10.0.20 update

Sorry, but the problem with distorted sound (crackling) with parallel processing (clips in montage) still isn’t completely solved with the WL Pro 10.0.20 update. It still exists when you bypass the processing to check it agains the unprocessed signal.
Please can this problem be resolved a.s.a.p. ,better yesterday than tomorrow :wink:

This problem didn’t exist in WL Pro 9.5


see also original issue:

Right, I have identified and fixed the problem. This will be included in 10.0.30

Tanks! :slight_smile:
Looking forward to the 10.0.30 fix.
I know the 10.0.20 update is fairly recent, but still is there a rough indication to give about when to expect the 10.0.30 fix?


Also i would be nice if you could solo the parallel effect so you could only hear the parallel effect without the original.
Maybe a future request? Or would it be possible to include this in a WL Pro 10 update?


so you could only hear the parallel effect without the original

What do you call “original” here?

What do you call “original” here?

With “Original” I mean the signal upon which the parallel channel procession is based.
So would it be possible to hear only the parrallel processed version?

Similar as within the master section where you can bypass the effect or hear only the effect by bypassing the “original” signal (the signal to which the effect/process is aplied)


If you want to hear only the parrallel processed version, this is the same as switching to “Insert”.
“parrallel processing” means mixing the dry signal with the process signal. And the “Insert” mode is the processed signal.

Right, I didn’t think of that one, but that would indeed "be the same. :blush:
Flicking back and forth between parallel and insert to check and sculpt the signal that will be added to the unprocessed signal will indeed work the same way. Thanks for your help. :smiley:
Hoping to see the 10.0.30 soon.
