Problem with pinch

Hi Conquintum,
Another method you could try is:

  1. Set both left & right markers and CUT the section that needs to be replaced, you can then either erase or mute that section and then hit Record, saves having to do the operation afterwards👍

Yes, that Shape is also good. Remove the defective part first :+1:

If you want an app with more functionality then i suggest you keep working with audio evolution Mobile. If you want a smooth beautiful app designed to take advantage of the iPads bigger screen, unlike AEM that was clearly designed for an android phone first but then ported over to iOS, then stay working with cubasis. I recently tried audio evolution for its flexible routing and i quickly missed the little things cubasis did right like better keyboard shortcuts, ability to view the playlist and AUs at the same time, faders that can be stretched top down on screen. AEM is clunky but added melodyne type of pitch correction built right into its audio tracks! I’m at odds and just wish the best of both worlds. One things for sure about Cubasis though, that little feature that you request that’ll better your workflow will most likely never be added anytime soon, if ever. AEM is adding features quickly!


Would it be possible to add an option to view the stacked audio & midi events on a track as a folder?
ie. expand/collapse the events vertically when a track contains more than one layer of events?.

At some point this could be used for comping allowing us to pick the best part of every take/loop.
Also being able to collapse and expand group-tracks could be a handy way to reduce screen clutter.

Looking forward to what’s in store (IAPs etc.) for Cubasis during 2023.


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I second this request :+1:

I like both programs, but this error I am proposing should be fixed, because it subtracts some functionality. I have worked with several DAWs and none of them have found this error in such a basic functionality. It is true that there are tricks to dodge this flaw, but I repeat that it is a very, very basic functionality.

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