Problems with the new modulators when rendering a track

1 create new project
2 open Halion sonic and open a instrument
3 record midi or add chords
4 open modulator and use lfo
5 use lfo learn to pan the track
6 render track
7 result = audio track that is messed up
can not render a track with new modulator doing the panning.

Actually, when you use the modulator to effect anything on the channel, it is not working correctly when you render it.

even the inserts, when using the modulator to automate setting they are not rendering to track, they do when you mixdown but not when you render the track, wierd. i have tried all rendering settings.

Work around for now.
1 add the modulation automated track to group track
2 create audio track with the input being the grouped track
3 live record the track on the new audio track
audio track has the desired modulation

not solved but a workaround

I just tested it on my system and it all mixes down well on render.
Maybe send a screenshot of your setup in the group.
And make sure your C14 is the latest version.

The first sound is audio mixdown, that is fine, the second sound is how it sounds when i render in place, it happens with any sort of attenuation with the new modulator.

Also tried it on my other pc but its the same.

Indeed, I was able to replicate the same issue with my C14 Pro on Win 10.

And the weird thing is that it does give different flavours of messed up renders if you choose to export dry settings or with channel settings etc…

There seems to be an issue with the modulators function with Render in Place.
The C14 update really needs to come soon.

Please also go and share your views on my post about erratic zoom behaviour so it can get considered by Steinberg :

@dazza , @Antoine-B
I cannot reproduce the issue.
Using the same LFO-> Volume example as in dazza’s screenshot my render looks smooth as expected.

Can you please make a screenshot of the settings in the Render in Place dialog when the problem occurs?

@Johnny_Moneto are you on windows or mac? it might be only with windows 10.

You’re on email, that’s why you can’t see my profile. I am on Win10.

Here is my basic project file and render settings.
Clearly something weird at play with render in place.

modulator-issue.cpr (232.0 KB)

Often when there is different behaviour on different computers it could be the preference files. Could you start Cubase without program preferences, please?

Same problem. Tried different bitrates, different settings, all comes out different flavours of weird and ugly.
I really hope there is a big update coming soon from Steinberg to address a bunch of stuff, including this, and the zoom behaviour issues that drive me a bit nuts sometimes. Other than that pretty good, did a great session today !

If the issue cannot be reproduced by the developers then the chances for a fix are very slim. That is why I try to find out the root cause or at least how to achieve the same (mis)behaviour on my computer.
Stuff doesn’t get magically fixed, I’m afraid.

Could you try to launch Cubase completely with factory settings? Here is an instruction on how to temporary do that.

I tried starting in safe mode, default preferences, disabled 3rd party plugins, render track settings to channel settings and its exactly same, not right.