Problems with unpitched percussion

Honestly, without the project, it’s (next to) impossible to diagnose. You can message me and I’ll give you my email to send it there.

Baffled why stand-alone Opus won’t generate a signal if you say system audio is working correctly.

You’re right there are no exp maps for EW Opus, and I have been setting it up myself. But in the Dorico doc there is no mention of exp maps for unpitched percussion. I’ll try that anyway.

You need a percussion map for percussion

Symphonic Orchestra bass drum doesn’t need an expression map. There are no MOD rolls or anything requiring something other than velocity-controlled dynamics (handled by “Default”).

@DanMcL There’s a percussion map already (see OP PDF).

EDIT: Correction, if you want to control dynamics on the rolls, you need an expression map with CC 11 as volume dynamic on the tremolo technique. You’ll also need a Natural with velocity… but that’s neither here nor there with regard to the actual problem.

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So I have created a percussion map. Part of the weirdness of it all, is that all my percussions to work fine.

Well, I’ll get that done anyhow.

One problem has been resloved: I reloaded the EW Opus percussion, and now by external keyboard is able to link up to Opus and play the correct sounds when I play the keyboard.

And now, for no apparent reason, all is fixed and working again!!!

Thank you all for your help, I appreciated having people there to help.

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My money is on the audio device. Nevertheless, glad it works.

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