Project Backup issues and general question

HI everyone,
I tried to backup a project I finished recently, following tips shared by Dom Sigalas in this video and today I reopened it to check the results.
When I opened a new project using the dry files export all files were in place and had the same length but when opening tose obtained exporting with group/sends options some files, once imported (same audio file settings at24bit/48KHz) were shorter, even if in the backup folder they all appeared to have the same lenght and size…
Any possible hint about this?

A doubt I have is also: when I import all dry files should the stereo mix one play at the same level of all the single audio together?

Thank you,



Are you really talking about the Backup Project? How did you set it up? Is the Sample Rate matching?

No. Really not. Summing signals together will increase the overall level, normally. But how much depends on many things.

That isn’t a backup…
You misunderstand something, I guess…

Hi Martin,
no, I’m not referring to the ‘backup project’ command in file menu (I did it apart and it ran correctly) but to the way Dom suggest to export all single tracks from a project using queues and all the possible options to export them; I used 'back up ’ project as Dom used It in his video…
As I wrote files were exported at 24bit/48KHz and reimported in a project with the same settings. The issue only appear with files obtained using the “group sends” option…

Thank you @st10ss, I suspected it but it is the first time I do this and was not sure I had understood everything correctly…

I answered to this in reply to Martin post :wink: