I looked through some other posts, but didn’t find anything that covered this specifically. I added a text box and a tag for the Project Title to my Default Part - First Page template. Like so:
Excuse my frustration, but by what black magic does the Project Title appear BELOW the top of the music frame in the Print version? It’s even BELOW the text insert I have for Composer, even though in the screenshot in Engrave mode, you can clearly see that the ProjectTitle tag is ABOVE the composer tag. My basic question is … what on earth is happening here, and how can I fix it? I’ve put titles in all of my charts, and I’ve never seen this behavior.
My guess is that Splanky is the Flow Title and is appearing in the Flow Heading. Though I don’t understand what setting might cause that to overlap the music.
If you upload the Dorico file someone will likely unravel the cause in a few minutes.
Yes, I second Janus’s supposition. If you look at the font size of “SPLANKY”, it looks far from the size of the {@projectTitle@} token, as seen in your screenshot.
It is also possible that you have a page override.
Best to post part of your project.dorico here.
StevenJones01: “P.S. Make sure that you are viewing a Part in Engrave mode (ie not the Score) when editing the Page Template.”
THERE’s the answer. Thanks. It does seem odd that if I click on “Page Templates” and "Default “Part” and “First Page,” what I see changes depending on what page I was viewing when I hit “Engrave.” Does it even make sense to have an option to modify a First Page Default Part template when viewing the Score, if it’s not really going to modify the First Page Default Part template properly? Maybe that’s just me. Anyway, thank you for the helpful suggestion.
Janus: “And, as I predicted, you got an answer in 3 minutes.”