Project/Track Folding/TOGGLE SELECTED TRACK - Only folds/unfolds one folder even when multiple selected

Project/Track Folding/TOGGLE SELECTED TRACK - Only folds/unfolds one folder even when multiple selected



As the menu item says, it Toggles Selected Track, not Tracks. If you have multiple selection, then the 1st (most top) is taken as the one, if you would apply anything to one element only.

So from my point of view it does what it says.

Yeah, it should be, ‘Track(s)’

There is no way to open multiple selected folders.


You can expand all at once: Project > Track Folding > Unfold Tracks

Or you can make own Logical Preset:
Container Type is | Equal | FolderTrack | And
Property is | Set | Selected

Track Operation | Folder | Open

nice onnnnne

There is just one problem. If your tracks are organized in multiple folders, this logical preset only opens the first folder, all the subfolders remain closed. “Project/Track Folding/TOGGLE SELECTED TRACK” affects also the subfolders if you enabled it in the program settings first.

I know theres written “Track” not “Tracks”, but is there any reason why there should not be toggled all selected tracks, to make this function be even more usable?

Bump! :slight_smile: