Proof of eligibility for Cubase Pro 9.5 Education

I want to purchase the education version of Cubase Pro 9.5 at a retailer in Hungary. They gave me a form called “Proof of Eligibility for Steingberg Educational Products”, where (besides personal and order informations) they need an official stamp and a signature from my university.

The problem is that the person who administering these things is refusing to put a stamp on the form because she doesn’t know english, doesn’t know whats on the form. I explained it to her multiple times, called another assistent who speaks english, but she she says it’s the “policy” and the only thing she can do is giving me an official “Statement of acceptance from university”, that has a stamp, signature and everything that verifies that I’m a student (in english).

Now the retailer is refusing to accept it, because it doesn’t say that I’m purchasing the Cubase Pro 9.5. What can I do in this situation? I have a form that says that I want to purchase the software (with name and university) and I have a form that verifies that I’m a student which is “more official” than just a stamp on a paper. Its just on 2 different paper, but the name is the same and I sent them together, I don’t really understand the problem. It contains everything thats stated in FAQ.

I was a little lost about who to contact and live chat support is offline currently, so I’m trying here. Please tell me if I should try somewhere else for better answers.

I recommend that you submit the file that has a copy of your educational paperwork with your online order as instructed. If they approve it, great, if not, then you can inquire more.

“How to obtain an educational product:
For the purchase of educational products you need to provide proof of eligibility. The proof must be submitted as a file and uploaded to the appropriate place in the Steinberg Online Shop.”

Regards :sunglasses: