Properties Panel Rearrange/Re-Sort?

In the lower Properties panel there are some areas I use all the time but always need to scroll-horizontally to get to (“Jazz Articulations”/“Guitar Techniques”), some areas I personally rarely touch (“Common”/ “Harmonics”)

Is it possible to (permanently) rearrange the sections in the lower Properties panel?


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Hi @b0berto, not permantely, but you can use the filter function (Search…) typing some letters, and/or use the Show: Active/All button (to see only the active properties):

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Thanks. Yes, that exists, (as do custom keyboard shortcuts, scripts, etc.) but getting the cursor into the filter box seems to require using the mouse each time and I avoid the mouse whenever possible.

Yeah, looking for a more permanent solution.

I seem to remember that @John_at_Steinberg once used a shortcut to reach the properties panel search field?, but I don’t remember what it is…

TAB maybe?..

It used to be that typing Alt+8 would put the focus into the filter field in the Properties panel toolbar, but unfortunately this hasn’t worked since Dorico 4. It’s something we would like to reinstate in future.