Proposal for improved finding "missing file" in File Group


When opening a project in Wavelab and you have a missing file in a File Group you get the “The file cannot be found” message.
Quite often you have just renamed the file and it is still located in the same folder, or maybe you have moved it to a folder close by.

What would be good is to be able to use the “Reveal in Explorer” option to open the folder where the file is supposed to be located, and then you could easily drag the renamed file to the File Group, or go from there to the new folder, in order to open the file.
Maybe even have a new (right-click) option for “Replace file” by going directly to the old folder.

Currently the “Reveal in Explorer” option seems to open “My documents” standard folder in this situation.
I assume that Wavelab is searching for the file in the old folder, so hopefully WL could still use that info in the “Reveal in Explorer” option.


I take note.