Props to Steinberg! Cubase making strong steps in the right direction

Couple of glitches since new update but overall wanted to give props and encouragement to Steinberg team - finally moving cubase towards an aesthetically pleasing well designed piece of software as opposed to the ‘almost there’ clunk-fest it has been for many years. Last 2 updates have been well thought out major improvements - really appreciated - keep on that path! Similar to last Ableton update - I way prefer smaller thoughtful updates with less bells and whistles but more effort to clever and well implemented improvements.

Also loving multi tap delay - lgreat to see steinberg making some really nicely designed and truly creative plugins to rival 3rd party manufacturers.

Thanks for your efforts and here’s hoping this is a new era of a refined, intuitive and good looking DAW with some truly kick ass creative plugins to come! Kudos to the team for the last 2 big updates!

PS: Next up - get the sampler working with some creative tools like Ableton clips grain size etc :slight_smile: Then stacked quick control parameters on macros (like ableton macros) Do that and I’m cubase for life (already am but don’t tell them that…)

Agree %200

I absolutely love the MultiTap and Padshop 2 :smiley: