purchased connect pro but where is the installer?

I just purchased the connect pro version but find no installer in download assistant - where’s the installer?

Thank you for your purchase! It’s in the VST Instruments and plug-ins category in the Steinberg Download Assistant or on the regular download pages at VST Connect SE/Pro Updates and Downloads | Steinberg

Look for VST Connect rather than Connect in the download manager

or go here…

I’ve been charged via Paypal but received no notification from Steinberg shop & have no licence!!

I’ve noticed a few of these glitches:

drop nexway(asknet) an email I’m sure you’ll get if fixed

@Mark Freegard, I have asked Nexway to resend the order confirmation. Please also check your spam filters and folders!
If nothing arrives, please contact Nexway support: https://steinbergnxw.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/360004652553-Service