Put your Cubase crashes here and vote up

Hello all! The intention of this post is not to beat on Steinberg, I love the product, but I read about a lot of crashes on the forum lately. So, I am not just one guy who have some random crashes. I want them to pay attention and think so many posting crashes and errors warrants a change of priority on their part.

We need to bring this attention to Steinberg, something has changed the last 6 months and Cubase is not working properly, whatever the cause.

If you happen to know a great solution you’re welcome to post it, but know that I have tried a lot (like all there is pretty much) and have used Cubase sine the 90s.
So, let’s focus on the crashes here so we can consolidate, vote it up, and make Steinberg take it seriously. I have paid a lot to Steinberg, I do this for a living, and it shouldn’t be such a hassle. Even though it is advisable to set up your computer to run well for audio, it doesn’t make sense that a modern computer needs such tweaking to run audio well and to be stable. Other DAWs don’t need that. Something is not working. Customer support don’t answer me after they have asked the normal questions if I have reinstalled etc…

So, post your Cubase crashes here, like this:

Version Cubase pro 14.10 (recently reinstalled)
OS: Windows 11 (fresh install about a month ago)
RAM 64
Audio interface: Yamaha ur242 (a Steinberg product)
Problem. Constant freezes that locks audio interface.

You can obviously include your crashdumps too, which I have sent both here and to customer support and the hub so many times, but this new freeze doesn’t create any dumps anymore.

Take care out there!



From the Steinberg matrics, the count of the crashes is around the same, as at any other time.

Please, don’t mix-up multiple (non-related) crashes at one thread. This would make just a big mess. It’s much easier to make a new thread for every single case.

Steinberg is taking care of all crashes here on the forum and prioritises them.


I hope you are right.

I understand the point about having dedicated threads for specific issues. I just want Steinberg to hear the problems.

My issues with the helpdesk always end in a mystery, no continued answers or solutions.

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Cubase and Nuendo have always had a stability problem. The French customer service at Steinberg has a hard time understanding the bugs I encounter. At Steinberg, the software is good but the debugging team has a real problem with broken arms.