Putting Flow Number in Rehearsal marks

I’m working on a multi-movement work (an oratorio in roughly 30 sections), and I’d like to use the appropriate flow number as the prefix of each section. I’ve figured out how to add a prefix or suffix to individual rehearsal marks (in the Properties panel) and how to add them to rehearsal marks throughout an entire work (in Engraving Options). I thought I might be able to do this using tokens (for example, using {@flowNumber@} as the custom prefix in Engraving Options), but it didn’t work. Any suggestions?

Just guessing, but the scope, wherein tokens are identified and respected is limited to where it has been implemented. So I believe, this is rather a feature request and you will probably have to enter the respective flow numbers manually - and also have to manually update them, when flow numbers should change.
It shouldn’t be too much of a hassle to implement token use in rehearsal mark prefixes (as well as other small instances of text) and I’d doubt it to be all too performance-critical, so I’d say you might have a fair chance that this could become possible in the future - but I am not in any way affiliated with Steinberg, so don’t take my assumptions too seriously.

So: 1A, 1B, 1C … through 30A, 30B, etc.? If this is what you want, you can set the prefix for the first rehearsal mark of each flow in Properties, and then copy it with Alt+click to the positions of all the others. The prefix remains and the index increments.

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Even better, you can use filters to select all the rehearsal marks in one go.

Select all in the flow
Edit > Filter > Rehearsal Marks
Set the flow number as a prefix in the properties panel.

Yes, it would be nice to use tokens everywhere!