Quantization of automation points


I used to move automation points manually to a certain quantization spot.
Now my question: is there a way to quantize automation points automatically?

Best wishes



I’m afraid, this is not possible. The Quantization function doesnt work for the automatated points. And if you try to do this by Project Logical Editor, it’s not possible to set Position to quantize. You can Add some bars/ticks…, you can Subtrack, Multiply by, Divide by, Round by, set Fix value, or Random Value. But not use quantization.

Sorry to say this.


It would be handy to be able to quantize the automation at times, maybe a good FR?

No automatic quantization in an automation subtrack?

That’s a scandal!

Thank you guys!

What is FR?

It’s cubasenese for Feature Request which in a Lounge topic seems to ruffling some feathers, and fur :wink:.


Oh, ok! Yes, ‘inflationary’ feature requests on here! I read about it…I better apologize in advance :smiley:


Hii all,

Check out this thread… Ikve had great results using Vic’s ple script.