Question about activation after moving to new system

I just got a new laptop and I want to install WE7 on it. I downloaded and installed WE7 as well as the latest e-licenser program.

The problem is whenever I input the activation code, e-Licenser tells me to select my license type, but nothing shows up, no soft or USB license. It also says it can’t find any connected devices.

As a result, even though I installed Wavelab, it won’t run because there’s no e-license.

My steps were:

  1. Install WE7
  2. Download e-licenser
  3. Enter code through e-licenser
  4. E-licenser says can’t find any connected devices, soft or hardware

I checked on mySteinberg profile and my license is in fact active.

Did I miss anything?



So I’ve managed to get the license downloaded to e-licenser but it says the activation code can only be used once and to contact support for a new activation code for this new computer.

Ummm what happens now?

There’s a hint in your question:

It’s a common enough requirement with software that uses activation codes.


Thanks! I figured it out through mySteinberg. All good now. I guess I didn’t know you need to reactivate the whole thing after moving it to a new computer.

Lesson learned.