Question about default sizes of musical symbols

There are few items I feel are sometimes a little too big or a little too small, perhaps YEARS of seeing it wrong to begin with(?), or perhaps in context to the music on the staff. An example would be the mordent which I feel is a little too big. Nothing excessive, just a little. Another is the Segno symbol, which I feel is just a touch too small. I know I change the scale using the properties panel, however each one needs to be change, unless I alt-click.

I am searching through Dorico 4, and cannot seem to find a way to change these globally in a setting, to be the size I would like. Is this possible?

Thank you,

Hey Robby, you should be able to change their sizes globally in Library > Music Symbols, and even then save those resized versions as the new defaults in your user library for all subsequent projects.

For items that are classed as playing techniques, they’re in Library > Playing Techniques.

You can change the size of coda and segno symbols in Engraving Options > Repeat Markers > Design.


As always, you rock!!! Thanks! I didn’t even think to look there.


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No worries at all!

(I hope you enjoyed the rest of your trip, as well.)