Question about Default

Hi, a struggling Ex-Finale user here :sweat_smile:

What is the rule of “Save As Default”? I just learned that the Save-As-Default custom player will show up on past/future projects, but many other options, such as bar number format, have no effect on “Save As Default.” I have to override my custom templates one by one, which is also not easy since the UI won’t remind me of the Template name and Category name when I want to override the existing template.

Speaking of Default:
I would love to have ⌘+N to start with my last used Custom Template. Is it possible?

To be honest, I am a little tired of the Hub opening “Open Recent” every time I close the project. I then have to click open the Create New panel. I then have to find my custom Category in the list, and then I have to find the custom template I need. It would be so helpful if Drico remembered what Hub page I last used. Yes, I know the Menue → File → New From Template, but that actually more pointer work with a big screen :sweat_smile:

Oh, by the way, how do I edit my custom Category name string? Thank you for your time!

==== UPDATE ====
Wow! Create anew from the same template from Hub and File menu are not the same? :scream:

The Hub creates a load of stuff by default, unless you choose to turn off these options:

It does a bit of other stuff, though, which to the best of my knowledge is undocumented, so if there are specific things you’re finding don’t stick, go through File > New from Project Template, as that will open a copy of your template file exactly as you saved it.

Note that Save as Default doesn’t have any impact on other projects or layouts that already exist, only new ones, and for that matter they won’t take effect on custom project templates you’ve already saved, unless you go into Layout Options, select the relevant layouts (there are Select All buttons in the bottom right corner) and then Reset to Saved Defaults.

To put that a slightly different way: when you save a project, its settings are locked as you left them. When you save a custom project template, its settings are locked as you left them. When you Save As Default, that stores some stuff in a text file behind the scenes, and that file is automatically referred to when you start a new empty project or use a factory template (though even there, there are some overrides built into the factory templates, for instance to hide staff labels on the Solo layouts). Saved defaults can be brought into existing project as and when it suits you, but only then.