Question about Note Spacing

Hello everyone. I am a 25-year Finale user new to Dorico 5, but I love Dorico so far and have been able to figure out almost everything myself. However, I am stuck here. Please see the attached screen. I am trying to prevent the collision into the barlines in the bottom staff and cannot figure out how to do it. If it helps, this score started as an XML import into Dorico. I think I learned how to set up default note and spacings, but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to select measures and apply some sort of “normal default spacing” to my selection. I know how to do this in Finale and I assume that Dorico has this functionality. Thank you in advance.

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You can see that that system is more than 100% full, as it is. But is Dorico really spacing like that by default? Have you made any Note Spacing changes?

You can change the Note Spacing value for a region in the Engrave menu – Note Spacing Change.


Your second system is full at 104%. I suppose the problem is here.
Wait for answer of the tenors of this forum, more clever than me to explain what to do.
In my little idea, I would reduce size of systems ; but I don’t know if this is le right solution.

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When most of your systems show about 90% fill or, worse, 95% fill, it is a polite indicator that either

  1. your system is too full in general (add more system breaks)
  2. your note spacing settings are too wide (see below)
  3. your staff size is too big

I would suggest going to Layout Options, then Note Spacing, and playing with this:

If your settings satisfy you but you still have issues, you may want to consider a “Note Spacing Change”, applied preferably on note that coincides with a System Break (but not necessary). This will last until you add another NSC to reset the formula or change it.
Hope this helps!


The spacing already seems pretty tight, especially on the bottom system. That suggests a smaller staff-space (rastral) size is likely the most useful remedy to consider unless mcaroul wants to substitute the smaller “default” noteheads for Dorico’s standard oversized noteheads.


Thanks everyone. Changing the rastral size to the next smallest size seems to have worked.

Depending on whether the music is going to be printed or is merely for viewing onscreen, I will sometimes decrease the margins in Layout Options > Page Setup to gain a little bit of extra width.

Hi @mcaroul, even if you probably by now have seemed to solve the issue, it would be interesting to have a deeper look at your Project (or just a cut-down version that shows this issue) if you could upload it here. It looks to me if some override in the local note spacing (or barline spacing) is going on, as @benwiggy suggests, and possibly caused by an imported Finale setting.

Anyway, this is what I would do, to be sure no horizontal spacing overrides are present:


I think that too. If necessity, we can resize the second system only, slightly, and this will be transparent to the eyes.

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