Question about rests and attribute -playing techniques

There are actually two more occasions where I have had problems with rests triggering articulations:

  1. End of legato phrases.

I wanted to have my expression map for Cinematic Studio Strings so that legato -articulation would be triggered when there is a slur in notation and non legato -articulation when there are no slurs. But this doesn’t work well with CSS, as I noticed in these kind of situations:

What happens there is that Dorico sends a keyswitch for non legato (natural) right at the end of the phrase. But CSS has also sampled the sound of the hall after the legato note is released. When Dorico triggers natural keyswitch at the end of the phrase, that note release reverb will come from the non-legato patch of CSS - which is a completely different sample and sounds very unnatural. Therefore I had to default the CSS expression map to legato articulation (both natural and legato playing techniques will trigger legato patch in CSS) - which of course is not ideal.

  1. CC1 dynamic controller resetting to 64 after a phrase.

Switching to natural right after the end of a legato phrase has also caused problems with dynamic controller "jumping"to a default value. But this I have already reported in an earlier post: