Bug: when switching from one selected event in an audio or midi track to another event in the same track and hit “P” the cycle loop is switched off.
I want to create flex loops for chorus, verse, bridge, etc in a song track. Which is the fastest way to create these “cycle marker loops” for each selected region after positioning left and right markers? Cause when I click on flexloop the locators disappear.
How can I create a flexloop region which left locator is to the left of another region and the right locator is to the right of that region (in other words that contains that region)?
Hi! For better visibility and understanding
- create a “song track” first
- Create parts within the song focusing to ranges you want to cycle
- If you’re done
- Set flexloop cycle quantity and flex behavior
FlexLoops have nothing to do with cycle, as you already figured out, those are mutually exclusive.
Start and duration of a FlexLoop is determined by the selected Part. To set a start point for a Part, locate in the timeline and click in the rightmost field of the Part. Then set its duration, and how many times you want that Part to be played with that duration.
Also note that while FlexLoop is active, you can click any other Part within that Song which has a Trigger Time set, and it will jump to the newly selected Part within the time set in FlexLoop, synchronous to the beat.
Why is it so different and more complex than Cubase where in 2 clicks I have a cycle loop created? Here I have to create a part and set 3 parameters where I have to type in each of them and this for each cycle I need??? I can´t color cycles? I can´t duplicate cycles? I can´t create cycles that contain other cycles?
At least it would be handy to be able to create a part with it´s start parameter (trigger) already defined by cursor position and with Loop parameter set by default to whatever I want. This would speed up workflow as I wouldn´t need to type anything.
Also it would be handy to have flexloop activated or deactivated from transport bar same as cycle.
Thanls for listening.
With FlexLoops off, cycle works just like in Cubase.
no, I can just have 1 cycle per song, I can´t have cycles for each part and with a click loop that part, I can´t color them, I can´t duplicate them, I can´t create a cycle from a range, etc, etc
Besides, I dont get why there are 2 different tools as flexloop and cycle for the same purpose, it´s confusing.
With FlexLoops, a Part is a “cycle”.
The difference is that with FlexLoops, you can jump to a quantized position, either by programming the loop count, or by just selecting another Part (“loop”).
Menu Part/Duplicate, or right click context menu.