Ramp CC mode in 14 is broken(cannot use Cubase 13 projects in 14 due to this)

It was just a conjecture

+1 on this problem. I also having this issue with CC1. And still no fix. It runs fine on excat same project on C13. Itā€™s not our user fault, itā€™s a program bug because other people also found it.

See here Cubase 14 - CC1 values messed up during playback

I canā€™t use C14 for work until this is fixed. Worst paid upgrade ever.

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Ah glad Iā€™m not the only one Phil. Would it be worth dropping a link to this thread in that VI thread so others can chime in here for visibility? I did send a support ticket to Steinberg 5 days ago but have heard nothing from them .

People in VI also said they got no reply. I donā€™t know how steinberg support work. :frowning:
I reported to US Steinberg, they reply me back that I have to report to customer services in my country, Thailand. (What?) This is severe bug and I need the fix asap report straight to Steinberg HQ.

I have reported this issue to the Cubase support 1 month ago (opened November 06, 2024 21:57, Support Case ID #663843) and have gotten no reply whatsoever so far.

In my support case I had also attached a video screencap illustrating the issue.

(Iā€™m also the creater of that thread in the vi-control forum)


Same as osum above. I reported it just a few days later.

I also sent them a project file, video and detailed describtion. All that probably took way over 30 minutes to make. But they donā€™t even have the decency to reply at all.

Itā€™s a severe bug that makes the program unuseable.

The midi data seems to drop to zero at certain data points. It stays at zero till a new point comes up. Then it resumes regular operation till the next ā€œbroken pointā€. Rinse and repeat.
If I redraw the data the issue is fixed, but sometimes it happens again, just at another point - I think! Not sure if it only applies to recorded data. I went back to Cubase 13.

Here the video I sent to support.

If you look at the number display on the bottom left, you can see the CC data dropping to zero. It always happens at the same point in the project.

Here is the project file, if someone else wants to check. Itā€™s empty but you can tell whether itā€™s happening or not by looking at the CC data display, as mentioned above. Dropbox

Just donā€™t save the project to avoid carrying over corrupted settings!


The fact that Steinberg donā€™t even bother replying is a total disgrace to be honest. How can you take money for a product but not offer any kind of support? Right now the only thing keeping me using Cubase is the fact that it looks pretty, but Iā€™m seriously thinking of going back to Ableton.


I too am having issues in this area. I was very disappointed this wasnā€™t addressed in the maintenance update.


Same issue here. Support ticket raised and escalated to Steinberg devs.
Now, there is a weird workaround I foundā€¦ change the midi output of the VST instrument channel to ANY rather than a numbered channel and it will play back fineā€¦even with it set to Ramp.
Donā€™t ask me why, I have no ideaā€¦ But it works.

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Still not acceptable though, I agree and it took me weeks to get a reply from my ticket.
Still using 13 until I can use pitch bend properly and without a workaround.

Thanks Paul, can confirm that changing the output channel to ANY seems to make it play back normally. Very odd

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nice quick fix. But my Cubase orchestral template is full of multi-timbral kontakts. It gonna take so much time to change. I will still wait for the fix, hope Steinberg see this post.

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No worries, itā€™s the most random thing.
I let it be known on the ticket I raised that Iā€™d found it to be the resolution and provided video to demonstrate.

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Setting the midi output to ANY indeed solves the dropouts. However it then shows a warning message that ramps/curves are not supported when output is set to ANY.

Once output is set to ANY the midi data also becomes very choppy. It no longer smoothly transitions from one point to another but instead stays locked in the previous value and abrubtly jumps to the next instead of following the curve/ramp.

So either I can no longer use curves and mess up all my previous curve/ramp based data or I get dropouts. What a mess.

Video here https://youtu.be/ktf0Wmyikl4


Apparently my support request has now been automatically closed after one month without ā€œactivityā€ with the question if the issue still persists and the request to me to open a follow-up ticket if itā€™s still relevant!?


Doesnā€™t hurt to re-apply the pressure.

I did so, itā€™s just a bit of a disappointing customer support experience to be honest.


Itā€™s really puzzling how a fundamental feature like this has been broken since it was introduced and there is no a single word from Steinberg about it.


I would feel a lot better about paying $100 for an unusable update if Steinberg would at least say ā€œweā€™re aware of this, hang tight, weā€™re working on a fix.ā€


Yeah, this. I donā€™t know how their user support usually is and if this is a rare case but given that multiple people have reported this in a support case and apparently neither got a reply is daunting. My main complain is not that the issue persists but that it feels like the support cases just get ignored. If I would handle service requests like that my employer would have had some word with me a while ago.