Random panning

I’m getting constant random panning on my tracks. Everything in the mixer and on the VST itself indicate that the pan is centered, but all of the sudden, while playing sounds with my midi keyboard, everything will shift to the left or right channel. I haven’t touched any pan knobs, there’s no automation on the track, and this happens with every VST I try out. Batter 4, for example, shows no indication of panning on the pads, and the track in Cubase is centered. Happens in Kontakt, Omnisphere, and Play as well. This happens when I’m just playing a sound or instrument. I eventually have to remove the track completely and reload the VST. Anybody else having this problem?

Aloha g,

Because you posted:

Happens in Kontakt, Omnisphere, and Play as well.

This sounds to me like an ‘out of the box’ prob.

Check (clean) all connections/cables/physical plugs
coming from your 'puter going into mixers, sound cards.
amps, powered monitors etc.

Good Luck!

I have this same issue. :imp: