Can the rastral size be altered for one frame (page) only on a score. Only the first page of my score indicates it is at 108% and things are colliding. The rest of the piece is fine. I hate to reduce the staff size for the whole piece just to get page one under control. Maybe there is a better way to do this.
Thanks for any advice.
Sure! Put an explicit System Break at the start, select it and activate the Space size property, you can then adjust it. This override will persist until the next system/frame break with this property activated, or to the end of the flow.
Excellent!! I will give this a try. Thank you so much for the advice.
I am sorry but am not sure how to establish a System Break “at the start”. I tried selecting the bar line at the beginning in Engrave Mode but that staff line will not highlight (only the brackets connected to each instrument group will highlight. Does this system break actually go at the end of the last measure on page 1 of the score?
Sorry I am so dense on this but I am a 30+ year Finale refuge and have only been using Dorico for several weeks. Still learning the terminology.
To create a system break at the start of the system, it should be sufficient to select the note or rest at the start of the bar at the start of the system, then in Engrave mode type Shift+S (or click the Create System Break button in the left-hand panel).
I was able to select the first note in the Flute part and then create a Frame Break as you instructed, but then when I went into Layout Options and selected “Space Size” it seemed to reduce the size of all the staves Except the ones on the first page which is the page I am trying to “Shrink” slightly to get everything to fit. The rest of the pages after page 1 did shrink when I changed the rastral size after setting up the system break.
Ah. That did it. Thanks to all who responded. I know I can always count on you folks.
I was definitely barking up the wrong tree.
Thanks again.