RCE and Using QuickControls with effect plugins


I was doing automations mainly with mouse, so I got a nanoKONTROL2 to improve my workflow. This thread follows a previous one where with the help of Elien I get a better understanding of some concepts inside Cubase. But my questions began to digress from the initial topic (recording only some inputs from the nanokontrol).
I am finally thinking of using QC, but not sure how to efficiently do so.

How to use QC with an effect plugin?
E.g., I put REVelation as insert on a track, I open it. How can I take control of this plugin with QC? Track QC depends on the slot where is the plugin.

Also, from the plugin, I can open then Remote Control Editor. Can I use it with my nanoKONTROL2?
Every guides I find explain how to rearrange assignments in the RCE, except I still doesn’t understand what does the RCE do exactly? I found a thread from 2012 with more than hundred posts, and seems I am far from the only one confused.

Thank you

Cubase is by far the worst DAW I’ve used when it comes to remote controlling plugins. There’s no good way to just map a plugin once, and have that MIDI mapping automatically load whenever the plugin is in focus, then allow that to change automatically again when another plugin is in focus.

Quick Controls work at the track level and are limited and the RCE is a nightmare. A Eucon surface or one of the more expensive surfaces Steinberg support out of the box are your best bets IMO.

Improving plugin remote control is probably my top Cubase request. I have feeling that it’s not a priority at the moment though.