Re-Install Dorico after macOS Clean Install

Hi team,

I own a Dorico Pro 3.5 license and an iMac running Catalina.

I had to perform a clean install of macOS over the weekend, because some system files had become corrupted and Disk Utility couldn’t repair them (even in recovery).

Now I am in the process of reinstalling all my software, but am stuck on Dorico. I have been looking around the Dorico site and on the MySteinberg account pages, but can’t find a clear and obvious way to do this.

Could anyone provide advice on the steps required?


The way would be to go to the Steinberg site and log into your Steinberg account. From there you will be able to download the Steinberg Installer, which then will enable you to download all the necessary parts for Dorico 3.5

Hi k_b! Thanks - it was tricky to find through my Steinberg account, but I googled “Steinberg Download Assistant” and now I’m on track. Thanks for your help!

You might need to reactivate your licence in the MySteinberg site, if you use the ‘soft’ e-licenser.

However: “System files had become corrupt”??? The OS is on a read-only secure disk volume. If files on a read-only partition are corrupting, then that sounds like the storage unit is failing. Is it a hard drive?

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