Keen Cubase AI user returning to the fold. I have my old Cubase AI4 Disk and my old product and elicense information. But the original installation of my product and license was on an old PC that has no been operational for years (and can’t be revived).
To make things worse, my old Steinberg account I registered Cubase AI4 with is using an old email address that is also lost forever. So when I tried to log in to Steinberg, I was instructed to go check my email account for a verification code, I couldn’t get access to this very old email account anymore.
My attempts to obtain support have also failed. I live in New Zealand and have been unable to find anyone to email my issue to, So knowing how useful user communities can be I am trying to find out how to progress this issue so I can transfer my old elicensed product to my newer machine.
Not suire if anyone will have read this cry for help. It is a bit long and complicated. But any help at all would be gratefully received. This couldn’t be a unique problem.
Hey John- I’m in the US, have AI4 installed on a Windows XP system, and am looking for an AI4 disk with which to repair my install (my CuBase stopped recognizing 3rd party plugins after I attempted to add Melodyne V4 to my VST folder). I tried downloading the AI4 file on the Steinberg site but it’s dead. If I can get a copy of your disk to repair my CuBase, maybe I can help you? LMK thanks
Wow was just reviewing DAWs as I was wanting to get back into things. I have an old Steinberg CD somewhere. I think I kept it… I remember support was dropped for the version I had and it wouldn’t run on anything but older versions of the OS. I’ll have a look for it.
I’m thinking FL Studio may he a good option for me now. Cubase is pretty pricey and I don’t do a lot of audio recording. I like FL studios pricing structure and it appears to be very popular.