Recently used plugins list in the editor window is not updating. It still shows plugins used weeks ago and does not show plugin used recently. Is this a bug or is there a “software switch” that has to be changed? Thanks in advance.
Any ideas???
I don’t see any problem.
Please be more accurate. And what do you call “the editor window” ?
The “audio editor window” The main window in Wavelab. I have always called it the editor window. Anyways the recently used plugins window (at the top of the plugins list on the right side of Wavelab when you use the right mouse button) does not update and hasn’t for a while. Is there some “hidden button” that has to be turned on??? Thanks in advance! I can provide a screenshot if that helps.
There are multiple places where there is a plugin menu. Master Section, Montage Inspector (Clip, track, track group, output).
Each one has its own history sub-menu.
For me, everything is working properly.
This being said, you could consider resetting the memory by erasing this file:
\Steinberg\WaveLab Pro 12\Cache\lru_plugins.txt
Perfect screen shot…YES thanks for posting. It is called in official WL manuals the “audio editor” window. But you are also correct. This is the menu that is NOT updating and still has plugins from weeks ago instead of what we used yesterday. Thanks again!
I will do as requested…and report back!
Thanks! I appreciate the quick reply. Have a GREAT week…
Every thing know seems to be working correctly,