Recoding audio from midi track

All my projects in Cubase 8.5 and earlier were made by recording midi tracks and then sending each track output to an audio track, so that wehn a soloed track played, it would be recorded on the selected audio track.

Now in C13m trying for the first time and having difficulty. So I have a bass from the PK2 midi, and I see that in the Presonus SL16R mixer, it shows activity in channels 1&2, when it plays. They are named on the strip as 1 PD2ML and 2 PK2 MR, for right and left.

I add a Cubase input bus and choose PK2 M, which is the stereo of channel 1&2.
I solo the bass track with the audio bass track set to monitor and record. In a test, I had seen activity on the audio track monitor as the midi track played. So I go to the beginning, press record and see a stereo line recording on the audio track. But then I stop as it looks like a flat line with no sound, and there is none. I try to test again and now I don’t even see a signal on the audio track and don’t know how I had one before. what may be wrong?


Did you Record Enable on the Audio track?

It may well be that you need to disable mic privacy settings for C13 in your o/s.

I did and after the countodown, the track turned red andit reorded 2 flat lines.

I had previously put a mic in channel 12 aand set it up and recorded a brief vocal track.

And that still works now?

The problem is not recording with a mic directly, it is getting the audio triggered by playing midi tracks to go to an enabled audio track.

I understand your problem. But there is no real difference between recording a mic or recording a synth that’s being triggered by midi. So if you could confirm that mic recording is working now (rather than only that it has at some unknown point in the past) we at least narrow down your problem to routing.

I know. That’s why I listed the way things are set up and routed to see if someone notices something wrong.

As I could no longer do things the way I used to, routing the audio playback of the midi to an input, I tried the newer waym after wathing a vidoe about creating audio tracks from the audio of midi tracks.

I created an external instrument for the PK2 with the same assignment as the PK2, with all its patches. I copied the midi channel track to the insturmental one,. It is definitely an instrument channel, sounding identical to the midi channel playing back. but when I go to render in place, the subchoices are grayed out, so this didn’twork either.