Reconform Memos dissapear

Hello Folks,

I´m trying to use the reconform markers. The manual says that during Preview Mode, I can add markers on the Memos track to keep track of unwanted changes or any other positional data on the timeline. However, I can´t make this happen. The markers I add on the Memos track disappear after pressing “Start Reconform”.

What am I missing here?

I´m following what the manual says:
0. Project> Reconform. Create Change EDL and press Preview

  1. Activate DST to display the destination version of the selected entry.
  2. On the Memos marker track, add a marker and move it to the required position.
  3. Enter a description for the marker.

After creating all the markers I want, I press “Start Reconform” and the markers get deleted from the memos track.
