Recording audio assigns incorrect tempo

Recording audio assigns incorrect tempo.
Here is what I did:
I have Loopcloud synced and playing audio on an Instrument Track.
Cubase is set to loop one bar.
A new Audio Track has the Loopcloud Track as input.
Cubase plays, Loopcloud plays - I hit Record.
Audio shows up on the new track. It plays in sync. Everything seems fine.
I hit Musical Mode and the Audio Event shrinks.
I check the media Pool. It says the Audio Event is at 96.99bpm.
Cubase was set to 137bpm before/during/after recording.
I have no Tempo Track in the Project.

What is going on?

This is the reason, loop recording always produces an incorrect Tempo setting. Recording without looping sets the Tempo correctly. I suspect this is because the recording doesn’t stop exactly at the Loop boundary.

At the end of any Audio Recording session I make it a habit to go in the Pool and adjust any incorrect Tempos & also set anything to Musical Mode as needed.

@Martin.Jirsak Is this a bug you should log. Raino confirms this observation, ie incorrect audio event tempo if recording in loop mode. See my initial description.