Recording multiple audio inputs into one track only

I havent found a way how to record multiple audio inputs on UR44c into just one mono track. Any idea?

Don’t think you can directly do it from the Inputs unless your Audio Interface can mix them for you, like for example RME has TotalMix.

Route each Input to an Audio Track. Route each of those to a Group. Route the Group’s Output to an Audio Track’s Input & record that.

Hi, I believe there is no easy way to do this. If I remember correctly, what you have to do is :

  • Create as many mono audio tracks as needed (the number of inputs you wish to record)
  • Route each input to each of the tracks
  • Create a mono group track
  • Route outputs of the audio tracks to the group track
  • Activate “monitor” mode on the audio tracks
  • Create your target mono audio track
  • Route the group track to “no bus”
  • Select the group track as input for the target track
  • Record enable the target track

Ok, I 'll try, thanks

No way, the step “route the group track to that audio target track” doesn’t allowed. None audio track is in the list of tracks where I can route the group track

True, my bad. I did a quick test. Try this instead:

  • Route the group to “no bus”
  • Select the group as input on the target track

It should work.