Reduce selection key command?

Hello all,
working in Dorico mouseless: it’s easy to extend a selection with Shift-Arrow, but sometimes I’m too fast and select one or several notes more than I wanted - there is no way to reduce the selection by similar steps, right? Usually I then step out of the selection with Left/Right-Arrow, and begin to reselect the portion I want. I’m asking, because working with text generally allows this (Mac here).
selecting notes

How about Undo (⌘Z)? That’s my favorite emergency-key.

Yes, of course, aware of this - I was just curious if there was something else - thanks!

An alternative is to press Tab which selects the last item of the current selection. Then you can go back with ← and ⇧←

My “Selecting is complicated” lecture from last year …

P.S. Happy Cakeday, Michael!

Great and thoughtful post, Mark!

And yes, I see why the “anchored” selection type (to which I am so much used to) wouldn’t work.