- have a page where I would like to reduce the vertical space of some stave to allow for some text. How can I achieve this with out moving each stave individually? Thanks
I’m not quite getting the picture from this description. Do you mean reduce the spaces between other staves to make room for text? If so, good news: Dorico makes room for the text automatically! It’s part of collision avoidance.
That is unless the text is above the top system on a page. Dorico thusfar has been militant about keeping the top staff on every page aligned. So currently you would have to move that down manually.
An illustration of what you want vs. what you’re getting would help.
Hello Mark, thanks for your reply. On one page the text is above the first stave and I can move all the staves down by selecting the up/down arrow in engraving mode and dragging them. On another page the text is between two staves, I inserted a text box where I wanted it but the staves did not move. I know I can select the square to the left of the staves in engraving that I want to move and drag them down but the gap between them stays the same they just get closer to the bottom stave.
Can you show a screenshot? It would really help to identify what needs to be done.
And if you’ve already changed spacing on one or more pages, we’re likely to need to see the project itself.
Did you create a staff-attached text item in Write mode, or a text frame in Engrave mode? It may seem like a nitpicky distinction but text frames do not affect the layout of the music at all, staves will not move out of the way for them. You can make staff-attached text with the shortcut Shift+X, this will make room for itself by pushing staves apart.
Hello screen shot attached (I hope) Thanks
Doc1.pdf (282.8 KB)
If you mean the titles (Le petit berger, Danse bohémienne) those are much, much easier accomplished by using Flow Headings. See here for the relevant section of the manual. Then, in Layout Options>Page Setup>Flows, you can specify exactly how much vertical space they should take up above and below. But, for those settings to take effect, you must remove the manually-added text boxes by removing all the Page Overrides in Engrave mode:
Also, to get rid of all the manually-respaced staves:
Hello all, thanks for your replies. As you may guess I’m new to Dorico. Perhaps I should have said that I imported the file from Sibelius via xml. I will go thru your suggestions tomorrow, I think I’m suffering from Dorico fatigue at the moment!
Perhaps the problem is I imported the xml from a Sibelius file which doesn’t have flows, therefor I guess that Dorico sees it as one flow. Is there a workaround? Thanks.
Everything in Dorico is one or more flows. You can’t not have a flow.
I thought that might be the case. It’s been a useful exercise working on tjhe imported file. I will move on now to a project with flows. Thanks, Andy
If it’s all imported into one flow, you can select the final barline of each movement, then choose Split Flow from the Write menu. Afterwards, edit the titles in the Project Info dialog.
(also, @AFT , you’ve now marked the post with the screenshot as the “solution” but that’s quite confusing…)
Thank you hrnbouma for the information, very useful. Also sorry for for the misinformation in replying. Andy
No worries, hope you’ve worked it out now
Yes thanks for your help