Registration Library

How would the Steinberg Forum approach the task of creating a Registration Library?

A Registration Library would be a list of organ stop instructions or a list of keyboard synthesizer settings. For example one entry might be: “8’ diapason.” For a keyboard synthesizer player you might have an entry such as “15 - String Section,” where the number corresponds to a pre-set button on a synthesizer.

You would have a large list of registration settings that it would be nice to put in a library, so that as you are writing an arrangement you can select a registration from a list you have stored somewhere.

It also would be useful if the registration entries would have a border and a colored-coded background.

Hi @jjtpiano, currently one method to create such lists available to use in every project is to set them as playing techniques, that you can put into the keyboard section for example. But, since Playing technique text uses Font Styles and not paragraph Styles, is not possible to have a border or coloured background. Also is not possible to have multiple lines of text, if needed.

Another approach (better for your case) would be to create a “template” Dorico Project with all the necessary registration-settings entries as staff-attached text written down and formatted as desired, with border and desired background color (definable case by case or via Paragraph Styles). You don’t need any music, just enough empty bars, also with just a single staff instrument, to have space to put your entries.

You can then open this Project on a separate window, or import its flow into the current project, to be able to copy and paste the various text entries into your music.

Thank you, Christian. Let me digest what you said in your suggestion.


Let me see if I understand you.

Create a new document. Open the Shift-Control-X (MAC) Text Editor.

Format the desired library of Registrations including the Border and Background Color.

Attach each Registration item to the new document.

Save as New Template. Name it Registration Template

When you start a new arrangement create one document from the Registration Template and one document from the Arranging Template.

As you make your arrangement, go to the document made from the Registration Template, then copy the needed registrations from that document and paste them into the arrangement you are making from the Arranging Template.

I’m probably missing something, but this is a starting point.


Hi @jjtpiano, he’s pretty much like that.

Create your new Paragraph Style AAA Registration, that will be used by your registration text items, and save it as default (clicking on the star icon): this means it will be available to be used in all Projects.

You can create just Staff-attached text items (Shift+X). One text item per registration.

(Shift+Control+X would create System-Attached text).

Here the workflow visualised:

Thank you, Christian, for taking the time to make that demonstration.

I will work on getting such a library set up.

If it’s OK, I’d like to follow up with you if any more questions arise. I’m still unclear on how to work the two projects together, but I’ll have to experiment using your demonstration as a guide.

Thanks again.

You can ask any question that arises, we are here for that :slight_smile:

To use your Registration “template”, while working on another Project, just open the Registration Project (or its Template if you saved as Template) anytime you need it, and deactivate the playback (to avoid the reloading of audio samples by switching windows):

Then you can position the two windows conveniently (I use Better Snap Tool on macOS :wink: ) to be able to copy the registration text item from the template, and paste them in your current project.

Thank you. I did understand that method when you first suggested it. I haven’t been to the desktop computer with Dorico installed since then.

When I get back I will experiment and report back.