I have been trying to change the enclosure shape of Rehearsal Marks and the settings don’t seem be changing anything. I have imported from Finale XML and the rehearsal letters are much taller than I would like. My settings are shown here. Thanks in advance.
That’s probably something to do with the font set in Library > Paragraph Styles > Rehearsal Marks (ie does that font have particularly tall padding for its characters?)
Thanks for the suggestion Lillie - I didn’t know there was another place to change settings for Font options for Rehearsal Marks.
I changed the font in Paragraph Style to Academico and it shifted to be rectangular.
It seems to be some sort of bug with Bravura font.
What happens if you use Bravura Text font? Bravura font is designed for use as part of music notation, whereas Bravura text font is designed for use as text.
Please see this thread about this same problem.
In short: Rehearsal marks are regular text, so don’t use a music font.
I tried using the Bravura Text and it looks fine.
Please don’t use Bravura Text for rehearsal marks. It doesn’t contain letters or numbers, so you’re not really using that font at all. You’re using whatever random substituted characters your computer is showing you. Please choose a normal, text font.