Hello everyone.
I am relatively new to Dorico, having switched from Sibelius. There is a script for exporting rehearsal recordings that I found super handy for creating learning aids for my school orchestra.
For example, an audio file where the player is heard on the left channel and the rest of the orchestra is quieter on the right channel.
You can create such an audio file for all the orchestra instruments in one go.
Is there such a thing in Dorico?
Thanks for your help.
Hallo zusammen
Ich bin relativ neu von Sibelius gewechselt. Da gibt es ein Script zum Exportieren von Probenaufnahmen, das ich super praktisch fand um meinem Schulorchester Lernhilfen zu erstellen.
z.B. eine Audiofile, in dem der jeweilige Spieler auf dem linken Audiokanal und der Rest des Orchester leiser auf dem rechten Audiokanal zu hören ist.
Man kann in einem Durchgang ein solches Audiofile für alle Orchesterinstrumente erstellen.
Gibt es so etwas auch in Dorico?
Danke für euer Hilfe.
Hallo Christof, willkommen im Forum und bei Dorico. Hier ist das englischsprachige Forum. Du kannst zwar gerne auch hier Fragen stellen, am besten dann aber mit einer Übersetzung. Es gibt auch ein deutsches Forum hier: Dorico - Steinberg Forums
Soweit ich weiß ist diese Funktion nicht vorhanden, müsste also ggf. über eine andere Software/DAW erstellt werden.
Hello Christof, welcome to the forum and to Dorico. This is the English-language forum. You are welcome to ask questions here too, but preferably with a translation. There is also a German forum.
As far as I know there is no such function or script, yet - scripting isn’t fully documented. You’ll probably have to use another software / DAW for the moment.
The question is:
Hello everyone
I am a relatively new user coming from Sibelius. There is a script for exporting rehearsal recordings that I found very practical for creating learning aids for my school orchestra,
e.g. an audio file in which the respective player can be heard on the left audio channel and the rest of the orchestra quieter on the right audio channel.
You can create such an audio file for all orchestral instruments in one go.
Is there such a thing in Dorico?
Thanks for your help.
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Welcome to the forum, @Christof_Breitenmose. I’m afraid Dorico doesn’t have a built-in feature for producing this kind of audio export, but it’s something that has been requested before and we may well introduce such a feature in future.
In the meantime, it’s by no means as automatic, but if you export all of the players as individual audio files from Dorico (which you can do in one step), you could drag them into a multi-track audio editor (e.g. our own WaveLab using its audio montage feature, or probably more or less any other audio editor), and then export the combined audio files from there, adjusting the pan for each channel in between.
Thanks for the answere.
That‘s what I just did with cubase. But it took me a lot of klicks and much more time… So looking foreward to the introduction of such a feature in dorico as well.